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Getting Started...

Updated: Feb 19, 2020

People might click onto the link wondering why I have decided to take up writing a blog. If you are wondering the main reason is why not? I am now three years from thirty, some will address this as "if only I was that young" and others will tell me "you don't look it". I am still uncertain about what I want to be or what I was meant to do at this stage of my life. I am coming to terms with I may never know and the more I can come to terms with that I think it will keep me centered. It allows me to enjoy the moment, becoming less anxious, and appreciate the small wonders of what I have.

I believe there is a lot of pressure on our shoulders in our twenties to succeed and to compare our lives to others around us. I have definitely and still do wander through online sites absorbed into other's lives. I decided this year, maybe because it's a new decade, or maybe as I've always wanted to that I would focus on what has got me to be twenty-seven. Or maybe what is it like to be in our twenties in an era where Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat was created? Also, what is it like for young adults today? To grow up when the world is constantly changing and we have a huge variety of choices - how do we make our decisions?

I want to have somewhere to post my highlights, struggles and most importantly the morals I have learnt from others over the last 30 years! (nearly)

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