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I have decided to start a blog to allow myself a platform to be reflective of my childhood, being a teenager, and report on being in London now for 11 years! I am passionate about theatre, dancing, education, and how we motivate individuals to believe anything is possible (corny as it sounds, but it's true). I am at my happiness when supporting others, working on projects, dressing up, and wearing brand new shoes or out with friends and family. I also love food, drinks, traveling, and taking on new challenges. 

I want to share helpful hints on areas, memories, words of wisdom (or not!), or stories from the past twenty-seven years (and some as people always say to me). I want to also share the stories and bucket list challenges I would like to complete before 30 years young. I have always been told I am an older wiser mind in a younger body. I would like to share my honest thoughts with you all. So here they go...

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I was born in the nineteen nineties resulting in me turning thirty in six months' time!

I gave myself targets and goals for reaching this age. Some I have met, some I might never meet and some I made with no clear understanding of what I wanted. Everyone achieves at different rates and there is no 'right' age to do anything. I have to focus on 'my' journey as for each of us, there is no 'right' journey as they are all personal. Every day I try to pride myself on the values that my grandparents, parents, and fellow humans have told me. We can learn our best lessons from strangers or even support people we have never met. I believe we all should be respectful to everyone no matter what or who they are, resilient towards where we find ourselves, and constantly reflective to improve ourselves.

I try to teach these values and more to children I work with or children I meet as I believe they can support your future path. I do believe in karma but I also believe we are the destiny of our own future. We make the decision between the fork in the road and we can help guide others to do the same. I hope to create an honest blog to support young adults by speaking out about our feelings and reflecting on what we have learnt to help the upcoming generation. I also help to use this as a platform to help my own well-being to write truthfully about my current lifestyle and share other lifestyles strangers share with me. Please do send me ideas or requests or even reach out to me for help. Hopefully, this will support me to be the best version of a thirty-year-old I can be.

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Bucket List Before 30

I have mixed feelings of getting older. I have thoroughly enjoyed my twenties and it has given me confidence within my own skin. I am...

Let's Empower Others!

Making the choice to be nice to others can sometimes be hard when in the moment or if we feel angered or upset. I say try to walk away or...

Old Fashioned.

People say ‘age is just a number’ which I have totally believed all my life. I have grown up always being ‘little’ and struggled to be...

Dear Year 9 Students,

If I could rewind time and tell my fourteen-year-old self-anything it would be that everything does work out. Problems are not as large...

The Big Smoke.

A story I am yet to tell or discuss with many was my move to London in 2011, the capital of the UK. A city I had visited on one occasion...

Getting Started...

People might click onto the link wondering why I have decided to take up writing a blog. If you are wondering the main reason is why not?...

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"Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself, inside and out."

Audrey Hepburn

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